Roasted & toasted products

From own production

To the products


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Roasting and toasting, it depends on the setting

Crispy fried onions give roasts, mashed potatoes or cheese spaetzle that certain spicy something and a smoky barbecue sauce is a must at any barbecue. We are proud to be able to offer you the most modern drying technology at the Brückner plants. Our equipment allows the finest tuning of the toasting degree, we produce exactly according to your ideas. Choose from different oils and fats for the roasting process, for end products with a low fat content we offer low-fat roasted onions. Of course, we also produce individual mixtures for our customers — our team will be happy to advise you.+

The Brückner­­­-Plus

The Brückner-Plus shows you at a glance what you can rely on from us:

  • State-of-the-art technology in our own plant
  • Uniform roasting/toasting for a homogeneous end product
  • Individual toasting degrees according to customer requirements
  • Selection of different oils and fats
  • Low-fat roasted products are possible
  • Blendings according to customer requirements
Quality promise


Roasted and toasted raw materials are trendy and give your applications a unique aroma

Roasted onions

  • Own production
  • From dried onions
  • Various oils/fats possible
  • Different fat contents (e.g. low-fat)
  • Different degrees of roasting

Toasted onions

  • Own production
  • Various degrees of toasting

Roasted garlic

  • Different oils/fats
  • Various degrees of roasting

Roasted sunflower seeds

  • Various degrees of roasting


  • We are happy to produce individually according to your ideas

A wide range of possibilities and opportunities

Feel free to ask for other vegetables and spices as roast or toast items.

Produced in our plant in Stadelhofen

Application examples

Roast and toast articles from our production can be found, for example, in:

  • Toppings for savoury cuisine, salads and bowls
  • Sauces, especially barbecue sauces
  • Dry soups
  • Ready meals
  • Spice blendings

Do you have any questions about our range?
You are welcome
to contact us!



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